Monday, 21 January 2013

Acting face - Pitch Party and digital personas


Somewhat remarkably, my pitch won last night. I've now got a year to do something interesting with it, with the view to create a full-blown play for the stage. So, that's pretty neat. 

A huge congratulations to the team at Re:Play for putting together a fantastic event, The Lowry staff for accommodating my diva-esque tech requests, and well done to all of the acts who performed on the night. It was a tip-top evening . 


Last month, I was shortlisted to appear at Pitch Party, an event for Manchester's re:play festival which will see me write and act out a section of an original piece of work for the stage. Three other talented folks have also been selected and one of us will be crowned winner, going on to have the respective play produced for next year's festival. Which is all very exciting.

So, what am I doing?

For a while now, I’ve been fascinated by the concept of digital personals. How we, as social media users, portray ourselves through sites like Twitter and Facebook. How we spin scenarios and exaggerate events in order to create our perfect digital lives.

The play I’m performing on Friday is called ‘Me, But Better’. It explores how online profiles can become almost fictional versions of our daily life; how what we choose to say, or not say, creates an almost perfect image of how we want to be perceived by friends and followers.

Over the next week, I’ll be posting on the *fictional* Twitter feed @tombutbetter as a prologue to the event on Friday. I’ll use the account to explore some of these concepts and the feed will conclude with the live performance on Friday. If you’re free, do pop by. If only because I need someone to tweet me on the night.

As ever, I'll still be tweeting on my original (and genuine) account @totmac if you want to chip in with your two cents.  

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